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We are just about 2 weeks into 2016 and I hope they have been productive weeks for you. I have 5 1/2 things made already, and 3 all cut out waiting in the wings. šŸ˜€ I decided to cut out 5 things at a time this week and see how it went. I am well into 2016 but the outfit I am about to show you was made in 2015. I never really had the chance to write about it but it is one of my favorite makes from last year. (As evidenced by my banner!)

Simplicity 1200

I made this outfit for my eldest daughter Kadi for Easter.Ā Ā I never got any other pictures but here is the skirt (shown with Cynthia Rowley’s 0574).

Simplicity 1200 and Cynthia Rowley top

Originally Ā I was supposed to make a sunflower skirt but when I went to lay out the pieces on the fabric I realized I did not order enough fabric and had to put it aside. Kadi waited not so patiently – and I eventually got to it! (I am sure you know how that is!)

Simplicity 1200 Sunflower Skirt

The skirt is super simple. 2 pieces and a waistband. The trick is in ensuring you have the correct size waistband and cut the skirt based on that. I tried to go by the sizing but you know how that is with the Big 4. I ended up measuring her waist and the waistband piece and allowed for seam allowances and went from there.

SF Side Zipper

On the firstĀ skirt I put in the zipper and overlapped the waistband with hooks and eyes. Kadi did not like that feature so in the sunflower version I put in an invisible zipper. As you can see I had a tiny bit of trouble at the top but she likes it much better.

Burda 6795

For the top I usedĀ Burda 6795 and a polyester knit. If you ever make this pattern watch the armholes! They were quite large and I had to make some changes to avoid the dreaded underarm bra visibility. Other than that, this pattern is another simple make!

Simplicity 1200

Simple and wearable! Kadi has asked for a few more of these skirts. I guess I can work them in to the rotation!

I had a job interview on Monday. I am 99.9% sure I will get it. The job itself is going to be greatĀ but I am very depressed about the drive and it keeps me from being excited about it. I will be spendingĀ an hour on the road to get to work and an hour to get home. I know LOTS of people do this, but I have not had to ever drive that far for work. I wonder what it is going to do to my sewing life because I will be working, driving and sleeping during the week! Does anyone here drive that far? I am afraid I will hate my job because I dread spending 2 hours in the car!!
Stash Step 1

Anyway, because I figured I would be going back to work soonĀ I neededĀ to get organized. My brother was out of town and my youngest is back in CA right now so I had the house to myself! Woohoo!! I pulled all my stash out of the garage and took over the family room.

Step 1- bring stash inside.Ā 

Stash Step 2

Step 2- dump it all out and organize by fabric type.

Step 3-Ā Count the pieces. I am so impressed by everyone that actually measures all their yardage but that bored me before I had even reached 17 yards and decided to just count the pieces. I have 231 pieces of fabric. Ooops.

Irish Quilt

I also found I had several quilts in progress I never finished. Like this “Lucky Quilt” I started a long while back!

Star Quilt 90s

And this Star Quilt I started in the 90’s!! I was not sure if I should keep it but decided some day I may want to finish it!

Challis Pile

I learned I must have a thing for Rayon Challis…

Knit Pile

And I have PILES of knits. Two containers are filled- one with solids and one with prints.

Stash Organized

I am not sure what kind of a “stash goal” I want to make this year. I think I better wait to see how much sewing time I am going to have once I start my new job. But it is all organized and I am ready to “rock and sew!” The unmarked container at the top is the fabric I pulled out that I will keep in my sewing room and hope to use sooner rather than later. The rest went back to the garage.

Do you have any stash busting goals for this year?


~Listening to Brothers Osborne