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Silky Leopard print robe – CHECK

Silky Leopard print jammie pants- CHECK

Matching jammie top- CHECK

PJ_Pattern PJ_Fabric

True Confession #1- I sleep in sweats. And have for years. I am not sure why. When I was growing up my mom always made sure I had pretty nighties and pjs. Somehow in the last 15 years though I switched to glamorous sweats.

True Confession #2– On the 15 hour drive home from our holiday in Oregon on New Years Eve, Kadi asked us to make some goals and she made a list. One of mine was to start sleeping in “proper” night time attire. I had a goal of making 3 things to sleep in before the end of the year!


Well, NOW… I am ready to lounge/ sleep in style! I have completed my Jungle January project. I did not imagine I would be making myself a pair of animal print jammies- It just happened!


As many of you know, Pretty Grievances challenged us sewists to make something fit for the jungle in the month of January! (Can I hear you ROAR?) Well, not exactly fit for the jungle… Honestly I don’t think I am up to trekking around a steamy hot jungle where animals lie in wait ready to pounce. REALLY, the challenge was to make something in animal print! And dang if that didn’t sound like fun.


It took me 3 days to complete this project. I wish I was as quick as some of you fabulous ladies but alas, I am not. Maybe someday…

On Day #1 I cut. I hated every moment of it. The charmeuse was slippery and I used 9000 pins at least. (slight exaggeration… but ALMOST! 😉 ). I also took many breaks to escape the frustration. I managed the robe and had started in on the pants when I whined (I mean grumbled) on Twitter. Gillian suggested spray starch.

Day #2 I ran out for some spray starch and stopped by the fabric store to see if I could dig up anymore of that FAB fabric. I had found the bolt on a clearance table and bought all 6 yards for a total of $13.50. Unfortunately I miscalculated and did not have enough for a top. And there was no more to be found at the fabric store. BUT I had my can of spray starch! And let me tell you- I will NEVER EVER sew or cut a slippery fabric without spray starch again! It made everything so much easier to handle. I got busy and completed the robe. I LOVE the piping… Gives it a little pizazz… My serger failed me so most of the robe is finished with french seams. It takes longer but I do love how the inside looks. I wish I had made a shorter length in the robe as well and may consider cutting off a few inches. I meant to cut out View A but Cut B instead!


On Day #3 I got busy on the jammie pants- or lounging pants if you prefer. AND I found a black Tee I never wore and appliqued on a heart- I REALLY wanted a top to complete my set. The back half of the waistband on the pants is elastic and I made a drawstring from my fabric. So, the waist is adjustable which I appreciate as I have a goal to lose a few more pounds. (I have lost 20 so far!)


True Confession #3– The pants are a bit snug. I am what I like to call a spoon shape- thighs that would make a plump chicken proud. 😦


All in all I am very happy with this set of jammies. I want a reclining couch pronto, loaded with silk and satin pillows, and a cup of hot cocoa delivered to me on a silver tray. Or quite possibly I could actually “prowl” the jungles in this little number? 😉

Two things I’d do differently in future if I make this again. Make a shorter robe and longer pants. Other than that, I love them! I really DO feel decadent. (I have that robe on right now as I write!)

Leopard Print Robe

Notice I mentioned this was project #1. That is because next up is a pair of pants for ED- (my eldest daughter Kadi). And Kerrielee, my cousin and Sew Exhausted counterpart is working feverishly on a Jungle January quilt. Oh, and I have a mini skirt for MD- (middle daughter) to complete. (I really wanna add fringe– is that too much?)

But THIS is Jungle January project #1. All for Me Me Me!!!!

PS. You Blogging Sewists have made me a bit bolder. Normally I would have taken pictures WITHOUT me in them… But when Anne at Pretty Grievances asked so nicely if I’d “be on the floor in the next shots?” I decided to be brave. (Note- I am STANDING on the floor!) For those that follow on FB or Twitter you see I was posting pics of the GARMENT- not me IN the garment! Thanks for the encouragement @HouseofPinheiro!