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We pancaked- I mean waffled back and forth on whether to do Me Made May or not to commit. It wasn’t that we don’t fully support making and wearing our own clothes. We do! (I have not purchased a single item of clothing since I made my Seamless Pledge.) It is just that because we have just returned to clothing sewing we did not feel we had enough to make it through the month! Frankly these kids keep us busy. “Would you make me a dress?” “When are you going to make my skirt?” “Mom, how come you didn’t make my shirt today?” “Is it done yet?” It is enough to drive you mad!

Our US sewing is constantly interrupted and as a result I know I do not have enough to make it through an entire month. BUT we wanted to participate, and so we came up with this. Our PLEDGE for Me Made May 2013.

We, Kerrielee and Laurie of Sew Exhausted, pledge to have ourselves or one of our family members sporting something made by us every day through out the month of May.


I think this is something we can handle! Even though, to be honest, most days I am dressed in yoga pants and a tee. Actually, this Me Made month is going to be difficult for me. I work from HOME and start at 5 AM… Some days I don’t even brush my hair until 2! This means I have to actually put on some clothes and brush my hair so I can take a pic!

But for The Cause, I shall persevere.

Both Kerrie and I started the month out right yesterday and dutifully posted our pics on Flickr. I confess I am sitting here this morning still pondering what I am going to put on today!

I wonder how many things we will whip up this month the night before in desperation? Well, if anything that in itself will help us grow our Me Made wardrobes!


Laurie and Kerrielee